Python 2 times slower than Perl

Tim Hammerquist tim at
Wed Jul 18 03:21:20 EDT 2001

Me parece que Xu, C.S. <xucs007 at> dijo:
> Interesting is for perl: On the same PII 450 MHz, "for" loop
> in stead of "while" loop increase about 10% speed, but on another
> PIII 1GHz, "for" slowes down speed by 30% (from 8 seconds of
> "while" to 10.6 seconds of "for"). Only computers themselves
> can understand, :-(

Algorithms for these structures have changed over the years.
Are both perls the same version?  Is either or both of them compiled
with processor-specific options?  I will assume you're measuring
actual CPU seconds. 

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Sometimes our choices are made for us.
And sometimes we have no choice at all.
    -- Morpheus, The Sandman

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