FEEDBACK WANTED: Type/class unification

Guido van Rossum guido at
Tue Jul 31 07:17:10 EDT 2001

Duncan Booth <duncan at> writes:

> Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote in news:cp66cd12yp.fsf at cj20424-
> > Any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
> I have a question, or perhaps an observation about the new rules for 
> resolving diamond inheritance.
> Given a class hierarchy such as:
> class A: pass
> class B(A):
>    def save(self): pass
> class C(A):
>    def save(self): pass
> class D(B, C):
>    def foo(self):
> # Calls
> Now, if I add the following code:
> class E(B): pass
> class F(D, E): pass
> f = F()
> My understanding of the new rules is that calling will result in a 
> call to instead of (or in other words, any class that depends 
> on the search order for base classes may find this order mysteriously 
> changing if it itself is subclassed).
> Is my understanding correct? Does it matter? Something similar already 
> happens in existing Python programs (define class F(C, D) and you get the 
> same effect), but previously you were less likely to encounter diamond 
> inheritance.

Correct.  There's a missing section in PEP and tutorial on
"cooperation", a generalization of a "super" call that allows you to
spell "call the next method in the chain" without naming its class
explicitly.  No time to explain that now.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

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