Changing the Division Operator -- PEP 238, rev 1.12

Bruce Sass bsass at
Tue Jul 31 18:38:38 EDT 2001

On Tue, 31 Jul 2001, Arthur Siegel wrote:
> Bill[sic] writes -
> >In this context, it comes from the CP4E motivation that people may be
> >called upon to script operations or interactions between their
> >`toys'... calling them "non-programmers" is shorter than saying,
> >`people who may need to program without knowing they are doing it'
> >(imo).
> But we are going around in circles - as I have been for some few
> years on the subject.  I guess I had always hoped that CP4E was
> really going to focus on turning non-programmers into programmers.
> It made sense to me that it would, because it happens that
> IMO Python is a great tool for doing so.
> To me CP4E is, can and should be a true initiative,
> not a semantic game.

I think you are missing something...
If you were designing a control system for the `toys', and needed to
expose a user level programming interface; would you be more likely to
choose languages C+S or language P (which can do both jobs)
[C+S == P, of course].

Unless CP4E is done as a "semantic game" with a larger language,
language P will never exist.

- Bruce

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