Language change and code breaks

phil hunt philh at
Thu Jul 19 19:58:23 EDT 2001

On Thu, 19 Jul 2001 12:56:06 GMT, Nick Efford <nde at> wrote:
>I can appreciate some of the arguments made in favour of a case-
>insensitive Python, but there are times when we give meaning to case
>in written English: "python" is the snake, but "Python" is the
>programming language; "latex" is a material, "LaTeX" is a markup
>language for document typesetting; "mud" is something you get on your
>shoes, but a "MUD" is something entirely different.  I would much
>prefer it if Python continued to allow the distinctions we make in
>written language to be preserved when coding.

I hope you don't use identifiers that differ only in case. BTW, I
am happy to use the uncapitalised versions of all the above to
rever to the capitalised meanings.

>My other worry over case insensitivity is that it creates
>opportunities for poor style by allowing the inconsistent use
>of case. 

Into bondage and discipline are we now?

#===== Philip Hunt == philh at ======#
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