New PEP: Quality Guidelines For Standard Modules

Martijn Faassen m.faassen at
Wed Jul 4 17:54:39 EDT 2001

Carlos Ribeiro <cribeiro at> wrote:
> I've got some very good comments on my PEP-to-be. The main concerns are:

> - we need to reference the style guide
> - the use of tools such as PyCheck should be encouraged
> - and yes, my english needs some quality checking also :-)

Did you add stuff like '(unit) tests are good'? Very important in my

> I'm going to work on it tonight. Too bad I have a day job <wink>. As of 
> now, I'm still waiting for Martin's proposed PEP2 text - it seems that he 
> still needs to get either Barry Warsaw or ESR approval on this, mainly 
> because he's taking over an existing but unfinished PEP. I feel that we're 
> talking about complementary issues, and it would be very important to be 
> working together.

Definitely. I've just posted my version of PEP 2 after getting an okay from

You also should have received a copy by mail, did it not arrive? I sent it
to you earlier, I think monday. 

And yes, I feel the two are pretty complementary, so that's good.


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