SocketServer and threading mixin?

Michael Ströder michael at
Fri Jul 13 04:47:30 EDT 2001

Greg Copeland wrote:
> I've been following the bug report on the SocketServer module
> and how it is broken with the threading mixin.  The bug report
> has been closed and the people that posted offered several
> solutions, however, from what I've seen, SocketServer, the
> module, is still broken and requires a minor patch or two to
> work correctly.  Does anyone know what the plans are to address
> this issue down the road?

Guido checked in SocketServer.__version__='0.4' and announced it on
the bug tracking page. If you read the page carefully you will
notice that.

The various URLs were posted here several times during the last
days. Actually I won't repost them because I'm currently trying not
to mutate to a SocketServer.ThreadingMixin-in-Python-2.1 robot.

The only URL I'd like to suggest today is:

Ciao, Michael.

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