A use for integer quotients

Tim Peters tim.one at home.com
Mon Jul 23 01:30:09 EDT 2001

[David Eppstein]
> I don't suppose it would be possible to go through some repository of
> Python sources and figure out the relative numbers of divisions
> of integer arguments that end up an int versus the ones that are
> coerced to floats?

Guido did this for the Python library, and found three instances of "/" that
would break.

> In my own code it's 100% int/int->int

Mine too -- but only in my integer code <wink>.  Curiously, I find I
*usually* use divmod() even then, because I usually need the remainder too.
I've mentioned before that the best way to compute int ceiling in Python is

    def ceiling_of_quotient(i, j):
        q, r = divmod(i, j)
        return q + (r != 0)

and that code doing (i + (j-1))/j instead is flirting with sign-related
errors and spurious OverflowError (there's code like that in the std
library, although in context neither sign errors nor OverflowError should be

> but that's a small unrepresentative  sample.  Note I'm less interested
> in divisions of quantities that are already floats as those would be
> unaffected by this proposal.

Understood; see above; and a runtime warning pinpointing instances of "/"
where this happens is easy enough to add.

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