Language change and code breaks

Peter Hansen peter at
Wed Jul 18 22:56:19 EDT 2001

Neil Hodgson wrote:
> John W. Baxter:
> > I also hope that after the change to case-insensitive Python,
> > we don't also go through a change to diacriticals-don't-matter
> > Python.
>    I'm hoping we can move to vowel-insensitive Python to increase ease of
> use in Hebrew. And allow for non-deterministic pronunciation of g*d.

I'm greatly bothered by language-sensitive Python.  I'd much
prefer using my native Esperanto, for example, in place of the
cryptic (to newbies) English-language keywords.  

Since some newcomers to the language (like, say, most of the
population of the planet) might not understand the keywords
as they are or why they don't work in a more "logical" 
language (i.e. the newbie's own), we should change Python to
support any language (including a mixture, for polyglots).

Luckily, the proposed move to case-insensitive Python is a 
clear step in this very reasonable direction, so I fully
support it.

Peter Hansen, P.Eng.
peter at


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