Importing XML modules in py2exe or Installer?

Thomas Heller thomas.heller at
Sat Jul 14 14:58:17 EDT 2001

> Have completed a fairly large project where I, among other modules, use the
> Python XML package from the XML SIG. Now I want to make a DOS binary to
> distribute it as a standalone application for Windows users.
> Neither py2exe nor Installer is able to find the XML modules by themselves,
> and I haven't been able to figure out how to include them. For example,
> when running the EXE that Installer creates, I get the following message:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<string>", line 7, in ?
>   File "E:\pyinst\support\", line 117, in _import_hook
>     return importer._finish_import(top_module, parts[1:], fromlist)
>   File "E:\pyinst\support\", line 206, in _finish_import
>     bottom = self._load_tail(top, parts)
>   File "E:\pyinst\support\", line 292, in _load_tail
>     m = self._import_one(m, part, fqname)
>   File "E:\pyinst\support\", line 252, in _import_one
>     module = self._process_result(result, fqname)
>   File "E:\pyinst\support\", line 281, in _process_result
>     exec code in module.__dict__
>   File "e:\python\lib\xml\dom\", line 21, in ?
>     from xml.dom import HierarchyRequestErr
>   File "E:\pyinst\support\", line 117, in _import_hook
>     return importer._finish_import(top_module, parts[1:], fromlist)
>   File "E:\pyinst\support\", line 206, in _finish_import
>     bottom = self._load_tail(top, parts)
>   File "E:\pyinst\support\", line 294, in _load_tail
>     raise ImportError, "No module named " + fqname
> ImportError: No module named _xmlplus.dom
> The XML modules reside at e:\python\_xmlplus in this computer. I have tried
> the respective include options, but don't know if I do it right:
> python e:\pyinst\ myscript.cfg --includes e:\python\_xmlplus
The correct py2exe command line would be (assuming your script is
'python py2exe -p _xmlplus'
to include the whole _xmlplus package.

Hope this helps,


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