Language change and code breaks

Grant Edwards grante at
Thu Jul 26 13:50:32 EDT 2001

In article <08k0mtc2lftoon7eii2jo43qj1tt76256c at>, maxx at wrote:

>Because writing code is a completely different function than
>"normal every day writing." Learning to write code means
>beginners must learn to structure their thoughts, and organize
>tasks, so that their code is not a potential jumble of ideas,
>as normal every day writing can be.

I don't there's that much difference between writing code and
_decent_ "normal every day writing." If the person you're
teaching to program can't write a coherent paragraph, then yes,
programming is going to be different than their "normal every
day writing."

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  .. My vaseline is
                                  at               RUNNING...

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