how to know the end of a file(use readline)

Chris Barker chrishbarker at
Tue Jul 31 13:20:17 EDT 2001

Alex Martelli wrote:
> > I use readline to process the whole ,but
> > I do not know how to control it,when it
> > is the end of the file
> f.readline() returns an empty string, '',
> when f is at end of line, and in no other
> case (when reading an empty line, it

So the common idiom is:

while 1:
    line = file.readline()
    if not line:
	break() stuff with line...

You also might want to use xreadlines (or readlines):

for line in file.xreadlines():
    do stuff with line

Christopher Barker,
ChrisHBarker at                 ---           ---           --- ---@@       -----@@       -----@@
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Oil Spill Modeling                ------   @    ------   @   ------   @
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