FTP win32 program

Acid none at nospam.net
Mon Jul 23 21:40:13 EDT 2001

I am trying to write simple program with Python to connect to an ftp,
list, download a file(s) etc...

I am running this under Win2K professional with Python 2.1:

 from ftplib import FTP

    ftp = FTP('ftp.techlogik.com,user,password')        # connect to host
    ftp.cwd('cd/misc')                                                 #
change directory
    ftp.retrlines('LIST')                                               #
list /misc

I start the Python Gui, then New Window, put the above script in, then
save, then Run Script.  It returns:

 File "C:/Python21/download.py", line 2
    from ftplib import FTP
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

What's the trick to get this working under Win32?


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