a gadfly SQL question --- table creation

Joe Potter jm7potter at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 4 17:48:32 EDT 2001

Hello all,

In working with the Python SQL database called Gadfly I have discovered something
that I do not understand.

If I create a few tables like this:

import gadfly

connection = gadfly.gadfly()
connection.startup("jnso", ".\\ndata")
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("create table students (st_id varchar(6),gr_level varchar(1),
grcard_type varchar(2), last_name varchar(40), first_name varchar(40))")


The tables will *not* be in this order in the database. Now, I expect that rows will
be inserted at random, but *tables* also?

It does not get in the way all that much, but my "pretty print" looks like hell. The
first name is all the way to the left while the last name is all the way to the

Does anyone know how to say "in this darned order" in SQL ????

Regards, Joe 

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