Language change and code breaks

Bruce Sass bsass at
Thu Jul 19 15:27:56 EDT 2001

On Thu, 19 Jul 2001, Guido van Rossum wrote:

> > Hehe, so, if both case-insensitivity and multiple encodings were
> > adopted...
> >
> > the easy to distinguish between "a" and "A" would not be allowed, but
> > the hard to read versions of "a" with diacritical marks would be...
> >
> > ...ya, that makes sense.  :-/
> If that's your whole argument against case insensitivity, I don't find
> it very convincing.  Certainly this issue has been solved before?

I wouldn't even consider it an argument, but it could probably be
worked into a reductio ad absurdum strategy.

<shrug> I dunno (if the issue has been solved)

I'm still wondering what advantage there is to crippling the
expressivity of a language for the sake of a small group of

- Bruce

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