Python for air traffic control?

William Park opengeometry at
Mon Jul 2 21:33:51 EDT 2001

On Mon, Jul 02, 2001 at 06:13:36PM -0400, Alex wrote:
> > You would be maintaining NxN table to see 
> >     - if any position is outside the assigned trajectory, or
> >     - distance (between any two position) is too close
> You don't need an NxN table, actually.  You can partition the space in
> which you'll be tracking the planes into cubical buckets with diameters
> greater than your threshold minimum distance.  Then you only need to
> check for each plane the other planes that are in its bucket or an
> adjacent bucket.  It scales linearly with the number of planes.

What I meant is that for each airplane, he needs to calculate the
distance to every other airplanes; that's O(N^2).  ;-)  Ultimately,
though, it depends on how the data (from the radar) are given to Python
script, and this wasn't clear in the original post.  Judging by his thin
skin, I don't think it was a serious post.

William Park, Open Geometry Consulting, <opengeometry at>
8 CPUs cluster, (Slackware) Linux, Python, LaTeX, Vim, Mutt, Sc.

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