Tomasz Lisowski lisowski.tomasz at
Thu Jul 12 03:43:02 EDT 2001

U¿ytkownik "EricIDLE" <grayson-wilson at> napisa³ w wiadomo¶ci
news:tO837.679712$166.14009323 at
> Ok well I dont quite grasp the Lambda concept heres an example.
> def mult(x,y):
>     return x * y
> f = reduce(lambda x,y: x*y,n)
> print f
> *NOTE   The varible N is defined in the code before this excerpt.
> Anyways back to the point the book says this is easier!?!?
> But comon sense tells me this is easier.
> def mult(x,y):
>     return x * y
> f = reduce(mult,n)
> print f
> Isnt that easier??
> Or do I not get lambda?
> *NOTE ... I think its just a way to complicate things OR just a way to
> typing the function name beacuse.... I dont know they are scared of the
> names they give them.

I am not sure about performance, but there are at least these advantages of
1. They are easier to write (single line, no def or return statements)
2. They do not enter into your namespace (__dict__ dictionary), since thery
are not named
3. Without them, writing Tkinter callbacks would be horrible.

Following this thread I would give you a riddle to solve:
Code 1:
res = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, some_list)

Code 2:
res = 1.0
for x in some_list: res *= x

Code 1 uses a builtin reduce function (fast), but nevertheless lambda
function gets called for each element in some_list.
Code 2 uses slower, native Python loop, but does not use any function calls

Question: which version is better from performance point of view?

Tomasz Lisowski

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