Language change and code breaks

Grant Edwards grante at
Wed Jul 18 16:25:59 EDT 2001

In article <3B55D6B9.3E2B933E at>, Erik Max Francis wrote:
>Alex Martelli wrote:
>> I consider myself a member of the literate minority (well
>> within the upper centile on all relevant demographics), and
>> having a recently-invented typographic prettiness, such as
>> letter-cd tcase, affect meaning, has always struck me as a deeply
>> flawed idea.

Seems quite intuitive to me.  When I was learning to write
English, incorrect case was considered a spelling error just
like using the wrong letter.  Having a computer language act
that way makes sense to me.

>> I hated it when I first met it in C and Unix,
>> and a quarter of a century hasn't reconciled me to it.
>Makes perfect sense to me.  What's the point of having
>differing capitalization if it isn't meaningful?
>Otherwise every programmer can use their own capitalization for
>each identifier, which is just confusing.

I think using inconsistent case for identifiers should be
considered an error whether or not the compiler cares about it.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  If elected, Zippy
                                  at               pledges to each and every
                                 American a 55-year-old

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