Changing the Division Operator -- PEP 238, rev 1.12

Bruce Sass bsass at
Tue Jul 31 01:17:39 EDT 2001

On Mon, 30 Jul 2001 Arthur_Siegel at wrote:
> What I am missing.  Why are we talking about the programming projects of
> non-programmers? Why isn't that simply dismissed as an absurd
> contradiction in terms?
> Isn't it clear that  the thread that it is all quite necessary  to  meet the
> programming
> language specification requirements of people who don't actually program  (is
> there
> another definition of non-programmer that I am missing) - is an incitement,
> not an explanation.

In this context, it comes from the CP4E motivation that people may be
called upon to script operations or interactions between their
`toys'... calling them "non-programmers" is shorter than saying,
`people who may need to program without knowing they are doing it'

- Bruce

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