Im running Macmilan Inc's and im having a few difficulties finding modules it requires

Gordon McMillan gmcm at
Wed Jun 27 10:40:31 EDT 2001

G. Willoughby wrote:

>Im running Macmilan Inc's and im having a few difficulties
>finding modules it requires, any idea where these modules can be found?

None of these are problems. Some are names in modules 
(the strop stuff, for example), the others are 
conditional imports that don't apply to your platform.

The warnings are there because it may be the only way
to trace down a missing module. If your code did

sys.path.append('funny dir')
import vitalmodule

Installer would almost certainly miss vitalmodule unless
you doctored PYTHONPATH or used the pathprefix option.
That's because your (byte)code is analyzed (not executed, 
which could have too many side effects), and the
manipulation of sys.path won't be recognized.

- Gordon

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