idle BUG

Tim Peters at
Mon Jun 18 20:09:11 EDT 2001

[Mike Clarkson]
> ...
> Tim, I know you're very busy these days (learning to sketch? :-), but
> could you examine the MSVC compile and link flags with a microscope
> for similarities and differences between _tkinter.c and tkappinit.c
> and tkAppinit.c for wish.

You might be able to talk Fredrik into that, but I have to pass:  we don't
build Tcl or Tk on Windows, we ship the precompiled versions as installed by
the Scriptics tcl832.exe, from

My knowledge of Tcl + Tk is 0; IOW, if something's wrong there, I wouldn't
notice it if it stuffed a banana up my nose and gave me a dozen roses.

not-a-gui-guy-ly y'rs  - tim

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