Event-driven GUIs, PythonWorks, Boa, wxWindows; future directions of event-driven Python?

Roman Suzi rnd at onego.ru
Sun Jun 17 16:03:25 EDT 2001

On Sun, 17 Jun 2001, res04o20 wrote:

>Hi y'all. I'm new here so bear with me. ;-)
>Now. Here's another way to go. Just use VB or some Office VBE with Forms2
>(or even Word fields or Excel cells) as your gui. The other great book I've
>read, "Programming Python on Win32" shows you how to do it. It's not hard.
>That's of course, if you have access to VB/Office and can stomach using it.
>Some folks just refuse, and I can't blame 'em.

2 months ago I did a simple Visual Basic macro to search-replace and wow!
it was so much fun to see how your screen is filled with trash (even
though I switched screen refresh off), scroll-bar in convulsions, etc.

It was also funny that converting my special markup into HTML+another
markup by Python on Linux was 2 times faster than it takes MS Word to read
HTML + convert another markup (mostly by search-replace regex)!  (And what
a pitiful regex MS Word has!!! I wonder, where have they took it.)

Maybe, my approach was too direct, but I had enough "fun" to remember
using MS Word in batch processing mode to guess how it feels in programmed
interactive GUI mode...

Sincerely yours, Roman Suzi
_/ Russia _/ Karelia _/ Petrozavodsk _/ rnd at onego.ru _/
_/ Sunday, June 17, 2001 _/ Powered by Linux RedHat 6.2 _/
_/ "Tis better to have loved a short than to never have loved a tall." _/

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