How do I return binary data from a python CGI called from CGIHTTPServer?

Mark Wright mwright at
Fri Jun 1 18:27:38 EDT 2001

Skip Montanaro <skip at> wrote in message news:<mailman.991419724.7209.python-list at>...
> Mark>     out_file.write('Content-type=application/octet-stream\n\n')
> Should be
>     Content-type: application/octet-stream
> (colon, then space instead of equals).

Well, that explains why nothing was working under Mozilla
('Content-type=' works under IE - go figure), good thing I didn't
finish that bug report I was working on.

And a bunch of debuging code 'print's that occurred before the
'Content-type' line explain why garbage appeared on IE's screen.

But my original problem/question remains: how does a CGI program
return binary data on windows?  Is it even possible?  The problem is
that this chunk of code in a CGI-program doesn't seem to work under

   data = open('mybinaryfile.dat', 'rb').read()
   print data

presumably because of \r\n issues.  Is there a way to convince
CGIHTTPServer to read data as binary and not perform CRLF conversion?


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