Solaris 8/x86: Build problems

Mats Wichmann xyzmats at
Sat Jun 16 23:19:37 EDT 2001

On 16 Jun 2001 20:31:10 +0200, Martin von Loewis
<loewis at> wrote:

>xyzmats at (Mats Wichmann) writes:
>> The configure and build of the Python binary itself was completely
>> clean, but as soon as the modules and distutils come into play, it
>> blows up completely.  I built Python 2.0 some months ago and didn't
>> see this, but at that point distutils weren't involved, right?  
>> I'm suspecting the autoconfigure somehow is not giving the right
>> magic incantation to distutils.
>It looks that way. With the details you gave, and without access to
>Solaris x86, it is hard to tell what the problem is. Seeing the line
>that was used to build structmodule.o from structmodule.c would help
>My guess is that the -fPIC option is missing in that compile step.

I'll go back and extricate that soon.  Up until you get to distutils,
all the compile steps spit out for easy capture, but once you get the
the module building phase, it not longer automatically tells you what
each step is doing.

Mats Wichmann

(Anti-spam stuff: to reply remove the "xyz" from the
address xyzmats at Not that it helps much...)

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