Python version of IQ has been updates (IQ v0.34.python)

Alex Martelli aleaxit at
Sun Jun 17 08:01:09 EDT 2001

"Kirk Strauser" <kirk at> wrote in message
news:87puc3ao42.fsf at pooh.honeypot...
> > There was a recent article on slash dot about Python becomming GPL
> > compatiable. It's open source and has a rich pattern matching module
> > amoung many other note worthy things about it.
> Have you ever looked into Perl?  We use it almost exclusively for
> integrating large distributed systems, and its regular expression system
> second-to-none in my experience.  Python's a good language (from what I
> - I keep meaning to look into it), but Perl has a lot going for it also.

In terms of RE's, I think one can consider Perl and Python about even.  Perl
has RE's integrated right inside the language, Python chooses a more
modular and O-O approach.  This generalizes to other features too: in
Perl, they're "parts of the language" -- in Python, they are in standard
modules, generally with an OO architecture.  Unless one really loves
modular and OO approaches, or simple and clean syntax, one can
consider the resulting functionality to be roughly equivalent in power.
For RE's in particular, the syntax of the RE's themselves is, I believe,
close to identical.

The licensing situation is also roughly equivalent.


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