graceful version detection?

Paul Prescod paulp at
Sun Jun 17 19:02:41 EDT 2001

Ben Collins-Sussman wrote:
> Please excuse me if this is a common newbie question;  I didn't find it
> in the FAQ or tutorial.
> If I write a python script that uses 2.X features, and then run it with
> a 1.X interpreter, I get a bunch of exceptions.  Presumably this happens
> during the initial byte-compilation.
> I'd like the script to instead gracefully print:
>     "Sorry, this program requires Python 2.0 or higher."

I don't have a 1.x parser around to try this but I'm pretty confident of
it. If it works, maybe you could submit it to the Python cookbook.

Move your real code to a module ("let's call it 'main'")

Then make a "driver" program that users invoke:

    import main
except SyntaxError:
    print "This program requires Python 2.0"

Take a recipe. Leave a recipe.  
Python Cookbook!

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