Need Help building COM server in python

Alex Martelli aleaxit at
Thu Jun 14 07:56:43 EDT 2001

"michiel" <michiel at> wrote in message
news:844df35f.0106140116.5f706fcf at
> class HelloWorld:
>     _reg_clsid_  = "{D4FF29AD-BCDE-4FE2-9896-892D2EBB5180}"
>     _reg_desc_   = "Python Test COM Server"
>     _reg_progid_ = "Python.TestServer"
>     _public_methods_ = ['Hello']
>     _public_attrs_ = ['softspace', 'noCalls']
>     _readonly_attrs_ = ['noCalls']
> def __init__(self):
>     self.softspace = 1
>     self.noCalls = 0
> def Hello(self, who):
>     self.noCalls = self.noCalls + 1
>     return "Hello" + " " * self.softspace + str(who)

This looks misaligned to me (if you're using tabs, it could
be the tabs-eating behavior many MS newsreaders show -- one
more reason to *ONLY USE SPACES*!-).  Make sure the def
keywords are aligned with the rest of HelloWorld's classbody,
and the methods' bodies indented further.

> Registration of the object works.
> Creation of the object works (x=createobject("python.object")),

This cannot be creating the object you just described!  Its ProgID:
>     _reg_progid_ = "Python.TestServer"
is as you see Python.TestServer, ***NOT*** python.object.  So
you may be creating something completely different.

> Can someone help me out or send me an example of a useable COM server
> object written in python?

Your works just fine, once the def's & bodies thereof are
indented 4 spaces rightwards, and when instantiated with
the actual ProgID it's registering with.


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