os.statvfs on FreeBSD

Mats Wichmann xyzmats at laplaza.org
Mon Jun 18 18:37:13 EDT 2001

On 16 Jun 2001 20:51:12 -0700, t_messmer at yahoo.com (Tom Messmer)

>Thanks for looking at this, I took some time and noticed that there
>was really no statvfs system call in FreeBSD (stable) and thought it
>might be possible to use the statfs call and map it to the same tuple
>returned by python's os.statvfs routine. 

Statvfs is the generalized sucessor to statfs, so this seems the most
reasonable approach.  statfs is filesystem-specific, statvfs was
defined to get information through an abstraction layer, the vfs
(virtual filesystem switch, I believe it stands for).

Mats Wichmann

(Anti-spam stuff: to reply remove the "xyz" from the
address xyzmats at laplaza.org. Not that it helps much...)

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