How to install python on clean RH7.1 install

Ken ken_chiba at
Sun Jun 24 09:43:55 EDT 2001

On Sun, 24 Jun 2001 10:45:43 +1000, Joal Heagney
<s713221 at> wrote:

>*totally bewildered* Um. Have you checked to see if the libraries are on
>your file system using ls? I'm suspecting that they would be. If they
>are, it must be something to do with the dynamic loader, ld, but I've
>never had to play with that seriously. If you get REALLY desperate, you
>could always grab the source rpm and build using rpm --rebuild
>python*src.rpm; rpm -U /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i386/python*rpm.
>      Joal Heagney is: _____           _____
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>  /__\|\  ||   ||__ |\  || |___|/_\|___] |
> /    \ \_||__ ||___| \_|! |   |   \   \ !

...  Two thoughts:  Is there a particular place that the RPM is
looking for these files - if so, are they in the right area
(/usr/lib/)?  Secondly - the output of the -vv on the install
indicated that the presence of the other files was based on their
presence in a db.  I'm not completely familiar with RPMs, but I
thought that might be referring to the RPM db.  I tried doing a
--rebuilddb, but that didn't change anything.  I will try
re-installing the openssl rpm, and see if that makes a difference.

As to compiling the src rpm, I tried that - with less success than the
RPM.  It burns through compiling for about 5 minutes (P233MMX, 64mb),
and then you see a LOT of "unrecognized file type" messages fly by,
and eventually, the compile fails.

Any other ideas?



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