Is this a true statement: Part II

Quinn Dunkan quinn at
Fri Jun 29 15:54:20 EDT 2001

On Fri, 29 Jun 2001 14:48:23 -0400, MDK <no at> wrote:
>Anyway, of all the things that I'd learned from these readings the thing
>that surprised me the most were the statements regarding C++.  My impression
>of C++ was that it was the end-all, be-all of languages and if you wanted to
>write a serious program you wrote it in C++.  However, I'd seen in the posts
>at least once the word 'awful' to describe it.  At least one person agreed
>and no one rebelled.  So here is my second question - and explain it in such
>a way that I can explain it to my boss.

You've lived a sheltered life, then :)

>Why is C++ awful; what's wrong with it?

Here's another hugely contentious flamewar-spawning question.  See

for a much more detailed (if not less biased) analysis than you are likely to
get on usenet.

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