Is this a true statement?

Steven D. Majewski sdm7g at Virginia.EDU
Sun Jun 24 11:00:12 EDT 2001

On 24 Jun 2001, Carl Fink wrote:

> "Writing a device driver", I repeat, is what the *programmer* does,
> not what the *program that writes the actual file* does.

Unless you're going to load the program on front panel switches, 
like I used to have to do on an old PDP-11, I don't think you can
separate the program and the programmer so easily from this question. 

To give a different example, but one in the same spirit(*) as David's:

  [1] First write a high-level virtial machine emulation in Python.
  [2] Then write a device driver for it in Python. 

(*) That is reading the question as literal and theoretical. 
    I have no idea whether the original posted intended it as practical
    or theoretical. He'll have to speak up and clarify. I was 
    certainly intending a distiction between the theoretical "compute"
    and the practical "do" in my first answer. But David's clearly 
    arguing from a theoretical POV, as he has already admitted that
    his solution may be impractical.  

-- Steve Majewski

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