Meta: PEP discussion (was Re: PEP 255: Simple Generators)

Tim Peters at
Wed Jun 20 22:09:37 EDT 2001

[Steven D. Majewski]
> I'm also an anti-list-splitter.
> I'ld rather filter than join or deal with cross postings!

So would I, but one of the best ways to kill a PEP is to flood Python-Dev
with postings about it, where they just annoy Guido <0.9 wink -- but that's
what the PEP process was supposed to get away from, and I play along with
faux enthusiasm so real it almost twinkles>.

> Also, as another former Icon-er, I tend to lean with Tim on the syntax
> issue.

Heh.  If you had only finished *your* generator implementation 9 years ago
instead of getting sucked into the continuation pit, we could be using

sdm f(i):
    suspend i+1

today <wink>.

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