Simple example of BaseHTTPServer use

Doug Fort dougfort at
Thu Jun 14 18:33:11 EDT 2001

David Lees wrote:

> I would like to use the BaseHTTPServer class to handle a PUT  and send
> back some http.  I am sending the headers back correctly I think, but no
> data appears to be going back.  I am probably using the wfile instance
> variable incorrectly.  Here is sample code I am working on.
> def do_PUT(self):
>         self.send_response(200,'<response></response>\n')
>         self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html")
>         self.wfile.write('junker goes\nout here\n')
>         self.end_headers()
> Thanks in advance.
> David Lees
I believe you need to call end_headers() before attempting to send any 
data.  end_headers() writes a blank line which is followed by the data.  I 
recommend Frederik Lundh's book "Python Standard Library" from O'Reilly, it 
has good clear examples and list lists at US$29.95 unlike the bloated $50 
books that line the shelves.

Doug Fort <dougfort at>
Senior Meat Manager
Downright Software LLC

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