File name from file descriptor?

Carlos Ribeiro cribeiro at
Fri Jun 22 08:59:44 EDT 2001

Just for information, on some OS's several file names can point to the same 
file on the disk (on Unix, for instance). In some cases, I that it is 
possible to have a pseudo file without a true name (I think standard input 
is one example, but I'm not sure about the details). Also, fd* 
functionality depend a lot on the OS being used. Could you please tell us 
why do you *need* to make it work using file descriptors?

At 14:03 22/06/01 +0200, Carsten Gaebler wrote:
>Hi there!
>How can I determine a file's name if I only have the file descriptor?
>os.fdopen(fd).name just returns '(fdopen)'.

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