How do you develop in Python?

Nick Perkins nperkins7 at
Sun Jun 10 04:13:18 EDT 2001

I use NT, and I have yet to find a free IDE that I am really happy with.

This is a serious shortcoming of Python.  I know, the language itself is not
resposible for giving me a wonderful free IDE, but in the mind of a Python
user, the IDE is part and parcel of the language, and integral to the
*experience of Python.  Python, the laguage is wonderful, but weak IDEs make
it look bad.  I have used PythonWin, IDLE, Boa Constructor, and SciTe.

With all apologies to those who developed these FREE IDE's... (it is not
fair to complain about free software, and that is not my intention here -- I
am sure that I could not do any better)..  I simply, (and selfishly), wish
that I could use Python to the full potential of the language itself,
without being hindered by an IDE that freezes up, leaves behind runaway
processes, or crashes.

IDLE freezes up frequently.
PythonWin freezes a bit less, and seems unable to kill a runaway program.
Boa Constructor is more stable than these two, and allows you to kill a
runaway program without killing the editor.  However, it won't take you to
the line that caused an error, which is very irritating. (broken feature)
SciTe seems interesting, but I haven't figured out how to configure it, yet,
and util I do, it's useless.  (me being lazy, but still...)

I want an IDE to provide at least the following:
1. Each run takes place in a fresh, clean environment.
2. The IDE stays responsive while a program is run.
3. The IDE can kill a running program.

Another thing I would like, but that may have, i dunno, ..implications..?
1. The IDE should handle the sys.path so that Python does not fail to find a
file that I currently have open, or is in the same directory.

Is it not possible to start a 'fresh' interpreter for each run?  Or is that
not actually desirable for some reason?  Would that make it impossible to
kill it or get tracebacks, etc?  Do we need a Python IDE that does not run
itself in Python?
( i guess SciTE doesn't....maybe I'll give that another go..)

BTW, which free IDEs are currently being maintained and improved?
How much work is being done, and how many people are doing it?
( keep up the good work!, if this means you!)

p.s. i know, i know, emacs, vim, etc etc....but I have become a bit of a
windows softie, and have an aversion to such things.  I am going to use
emacs in my next life, and learn lisp as my first language.....

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