gc issues

Phlip phlip_cpp at my-deja.com
Fri Jun 8 10:12:10 EDT 2001

Proclaimed e toffi from the mountaintops:

> hello
> lets say i wanted to integrate 2 languages with gc's (lua,
> [small]eiffel, python, javascript).
> how do i keep the gc's from eating each other?
> i know this will require some *very* careful prgramming techniques.
> can anyone point me in the right direction?

No, it requires each gc manages its own heap. Happens all the time.

To learn how to patch multiple scripting languages together, research 
either ActiveX Scripting or SWIG.

  Phlip                          phlip_cpp at my-deja.com
============== http://phlip.webjump.com ==============
  --  "In my experience, the customer doesn't know what he wants
       until you don't give it to him." --David Brady  --

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