weird behavior wrapping global functions into classes

Les Schaffer schaffer at
Thu Jun 14 08:26:12 EDT 2001

been losing sleep over this one...

why does the following code successfully wrap the built-in open function
into a class, but shelve's open method gets incorrectly (??) taken as an
instance method? notice that everything works fine for the Flat version,
built-in open is called correctly, but the __init__ fails for the Shelf
version, since it thinks self.dbopen is now an instance method.

==== my output: ===
up here, open =  <built-in function open>
up here, shelf_open =  <function open at 00952924>
in NumFlat class definition, dbopen =  <built-in function open>
in NumShelf class definition, dbopen =  <function open at 00952924>
but over here self.dbopen =  <built-in function open>
but over here self.dbopen =  <method of NumShelf instance at

Traceback (most recent call last):
=== huh???? ===

weird: self.dbopen knows its the built-in open for the NumFlat case, but
gets screwed up in the NumShelf case.

what terrible thing have i done? thanks

les schaffer

p.s. purpose of code was to fool around to see differences in disk space for
pickling numeric arrays vs. writing them out flat.

from Numeric import arange, Float32, array2string, cos
from shelve import open as shelf_open

print 'up here, open = ', open              # all ok
print 'up here, shelf_open = ', shelf_open  # all ok
class NumStorage:

    def __init__(self):
        tup = (self.DB,)
        if self.mode:
            tup += (self.mode,)

        print 'but over here self.dbopen = ', self.dbopen # huh???

        self.db = apply(self.dbopen, tup)

    def close(self):
class NumFlat(NumStorage):
    mode = 'w'
    DB = 'flat.txt'
    #db = open(DB, mode)
    print 'in NumFlat class definition, dbopen = ', dbopen # ok
    def store(self, key, value):
        self.db.write(array2string(value, precision=8))

class NumShelf(NumStorage):
    mode = None
    DB = 'test.dbm'
    #db= shelf_open(DB)
    print 'in NumShelf class definition, dbopen = ', dbopen # ok

    def store(self, key, value):
        self.db[key] = value

## space test ##    
nf = NumFlat()
ns = NumShelf()

x = arange(0,1.0,.01, Float32)
x = cos(x)
for i in range(10):
    key = '%d'%i, x) key,x )


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