Python Shareware?

Lothar Scholz llothar at
Sat Jun 9 20:15:30 EDT 2001

On Sat, 9 Jun 2001 09:19:08 -0400, D-Man <dsh8290 at> wrote:

>On Sat, Jun 09, 2001 at 04:09:11AM +0000, Brad Bollenbach wrote:
>| "Jonathan Gardner" <gardner at> wrote in message
>| news:9fr2jm$16v$1 at
>| > There is another benefit to you of free software: If you are
>| > really good at programming, you can show off with your GPL'ed
>| > code, and use that to get into a company that is willing to pay
>| > you to code stuff for them. You can't show off code that is
>| > closed-source, like code from, say, your previous job. So, with
>| > your GPL'ed code (which has been tested and developed by people
>| > who are actually interested in using it, so it will be much better
>| > than anything you can write on your own) you can claim a lot of
>| > credit for it, and demand $100,000 or more for salary. If they
>| > think you are crazy, tell them to read the code and try the
>| > software. If they want to produce software like that, then they
>| > have to hire you.
>| Other than the really big names (a la Torvalds, GvR, Wall et al.) this
>| rarely happens. At the very least, when good programmers get good jobs, it's
>| because they are very bright people who have a lot to offer, not because of
>| the license they choose for their software. Realistically, most PHB's have
>| less than half-a-clue about what the GPL is (*hyuck* *hyuck* isn't that
>| onnuh them globawl pawsitioning thingmahoots?)
>I think Jonathan's point was mainly "how are you going to convince a
>company that you really are a good programmer if you can't show them
>any of the code you have written?" (aside from discussing personal
>beliefs wrt the problems with shareware).  If your code is GPL'd (or,
>more precisely,  free / open source) then you _can_ show it to a
>prospective future employer, but if all the code you have written is
>either owned by a previous employer, or part of your closed-source
>shareware then you can't show them.  The main issue, apart from issues
>with the way shareware works from a business perspective, is to create
>a way to demonstrate that you are a good programmer.

If it's my code i can show them to any emplyer i want !
I can choose my friends and companies.

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