is c faster?

Michael Hudson mwh at
Tue Jun 12 22:52:14 EDT 2001

Chris Barker <chrishbarker at> writes:

> Alex Martelli wrote:
> > whatnot.  I think this is the kind of benefit one
> > might expect from a simpleminded 'compiler':-). 
> That's why we need a not so simple minded compiler. I have a friend that
> keeps harping on the fact that LISP can be as fast as C and as dynamic
> as Python. Why can't Python do that?

IHMO: Money, and brains.  The people who developed the techniques for
optimizing lisp working for Symbolics et al. were very very smart, and
were paid to work on such things.  There's just not the money in the
Python industry.

Also, Common Lisp isn't as, or rather is differently dynamic to
Python.  For instance you can't redefine (any of the many spellings
of) equality in CL; if yow wanted to do that you'd be more likely to
shadow cl:= inside your package, and this has got to be easier to spot
at compile time.


  I'm a keen cyclist and I stop at red lights.  Those who don't need
  hitting with a great big slapping machine.
                                           -- Colin Davidson, cam.misc

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