Augmented Assignement (was: Re: PEP scepticism)

James Logajan JamesL at Lugoj.Com
Fri Jun 29 17:02:34 EDT 2001

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Sorry, I don't understand why people can seriously argue *against*
> augmented assignment.

And "!=" is augmented assignment for the "!" operator, which does what

When you want to make a language look like it was designed by a committee,
first thing you do is establish the committee. Well that part is done.

> It just baffles me.

And now for something completely different, we will baffle Guido, er, I mean
a cat. By the way, just how did so many mathematical libraries come to be
written in Fortran, which didn't have augmented assignments? (Just doing my
baffling part.)

> What kind of Spartan upbringing did you have?  Scheme?

Are those Spartans scheming again? Never look a gift horse in the mouth, or
something like that.


(So, is our language designer baffled enough yet?)

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