Python 2.1 dependencies

Joal Heagney s713221 at
Sun Jun 3 07:25:45 EDT 2001

Bruce Wolk wrote:
> On an RH 7.1 system I rebuilt the source RPMs for Python 2.1.  But when
> I tried to install  expat-1.1-3tummy.i386.rpm, I got the following error
> error: failed dependencies:
>              is needed by abiword-0.7.13-2
> This is odd, since  /usr/lib/ is present on my system, but
> also what does Python have to do with abiword?
> Bruce

Abiword wants libexpat. That much I can figure out, but I'm still
confused how you got that message. If expat-*tummy replaces whatever
package comes in but doesn't have itself
you'll get that message. (Basically abiword is saying, "Hey, I still
need that.") Now I don't know why expat-tummy wants to overwrite, that's what's got me confused. A listing of expat-tummy
only gives


Of course if you're really worried about this, you could always
uninstall abiword.

Joal Heagney/AncientHart

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