how query function args

Alex Martelli aleaxit at
Fri Mar 30 07:57:46 EST 2001

"Joshua Marshall" <jmarshal at> wrote in message
news:99vvn1$bmh$1 at
> david winkler <winkler at> wrote:
> > I need to query the names and values of a function's keyword arguments.
> > I
> > suspect that there is an easy way to do this but cannot find it.  Would
> > someone care to make a suggestion?
> func.func_defaults will return a tuple of the default values, but not
> the names of the formals.

func.func_code, the code-object for the function, has most of the
info you want: its co_argcount attribute is the number of arguments
(the ones with defaults are the last len(func.func_defaults) of
them), its co_varnames attribute has the names of local variables
starting with the argument names.

So, the names of arguments which have default values are:
        func.func_code.co_argcount - len(func.func_defaults)
in the same order as the func.func_defaults.

E.g., if you want name/value tuples (pairs):

def dw(func):
    return zip(
            func.func_code.co_argcount - len(func.func_defaults)
        ], func.func_defaults)

It's of course easy to make this into a dictionary or whatever.


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