Python 2.1 and MySQL 3.23.33 on Windows

Gerhard Häring gerhard.nospam at
Thu Mar 22 11:59:36 EST 2001

David Brown wrote:
> I have MySQL 3.23.33 and Python 2.1 installed on my Windows machine.  Both
> work fine (I use MySQL along with PHP and Apache), and I have used Python
> for a few short scripts.  But I cannot get Python to work with MySQL.  The
> mySQLdb windows installation is built for Python 2.0, not 2.1, and I do not
> have MSVC to recompile it myself.  Does anyone have any hints or pointers to
> get me started?  Thanks.

A new version of the MySQLdb Windows binary distribution is available at
my homepage. This one contains binaries for Python 1.5.2, 2.0 and 2.1
Beta 1.

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