Performance when working directory is slow network drive

Mark Hadfield m.hadfield at
Sun Mar 4 15:55:29 EST 2001

"Mark Hadfield" <m.hadfield at> wrote in message
news:983480535.813990 at clam-ext...
> Now only two things puzzle me:

To save you all sleepless nights wondering about the answers to the
questions that I posed, here are the answers.

> 1. Why having the current directory in the search path affects the import
> time for the os module much more than it does for other modules I tested
> (like string). Is this because os is a package?

Basically, yes. Thanks to Fredrick Lundh for suggesting I look at the output
from "python -vv".

> 2. Why the number of empty-string entries at the head of sys.path varies
> between 0 and 2 on my system depending on how the interpreter is invoked
> what I ate for breakfast (or something).

One of the empty-string entries occurred because I had a sub-key with an
empty value by mistake under


The other is explained in the documentation for sys.path in the Library

Thanks to Sean Reifschnedier and Fredrik Lundh for helping me with this and
to them & everyone else for not abusing me.

Mark Hadfield
m.hadfield at
National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research

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