gah! I hate the new string syntax

Jere Kahanpaa jkahanpa at
Mon Mar 5 06:17:31 EST 2001

Sean 'Shaleh' Perry <shaleh at> wrote:
: return ";".join(["%s=%s" % (k, params[k]) for k in params.keys()])

: every day python seems to be moving closer to the line noise aspect of
: coding.

Agreed. Luckily anough I found Python in the clean, glorious days of 1.5.2 
- the Unicode support in >1.6 was the *only* reason for me to upgrade as 
XML processing in a multi-OS, multi-coding environment is really tricky 
without Unicode.

Jere Kahanpää
Lord, make my words as sweet as honey, for one day I may have to eat them

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