Jython and JPython Questions...How similar to Python, Tkinter?

Mike Clarkson support at internetdiscovery.com
Thu Mar 29 00:17:09 EST 2001

On Wed, 28 Mar 2001 12:00:51 +0200, Steve Purcell
<stephen_purcell at yahoo.com> wrote:

>Steve Purcell wrote:
>> Now if someone ever comes up with a library that gives Swing/AWT a Python
>> interface, that would be another story...
>That should read 'a Tkinter' interface, obviously. Need more coffee...

Usually that kind of thing is very difficult, even with more coffee:
the event models are too different (allthough i don't know the
specifics of AWT/Swing). The only was to get really independent is an
XML UIML type of abstraction, like on mozilla.org, or inside
pythonworks. But that's higher up, and I'm not convinced myself that
that isn't too high to be practical as a UI coding method. We'll see.

But in the meantime, having Tkinter run on jython, even using JNI,
will be valuable to help test the CPython/jpython pair. Finn says it's
not too much work to bring jtkinter up to date with jython 2.x, and I
hope he finds the time to do so.


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