Making entrys work with tkinter.

Tomasz Lisowski lisowski.tomasz at
Wed Mar 28 06:59:13 EST 2001

Uzytkownik "Brian Elmegaard" <be at> napisal w wiadomosci
news:3AC1CB21.4BD10EE8 at
> Hi group,
> I have been trying to find out how to use the an entry and grab the
> result. I am sorry, that I have not been able to figure out from
> different sources how bind the entry to an event and make it put back
> the result to the calling function.
> What I try is:
> class Sheetlabel:
>     def __init__(self,canvas,x,y):
>         self.frame=Toplevel(width=10,height=20)
>         self.frame.title('Insert label')
>         Label(self.frame,text='Label:').pack(side='left')
>         self.entry=Entry(self.frame)
>         #FIX THIS
>         self.frame.bind('<Return>',self.ok(x,y,canvas))
>         self.entry.pack(side='right')
>         self.frame.focus_set()
>     def ok(self,x,y,canvas,event=None):
>         self.text=self.entry.get()
>         self.frame.destroy()
>         canvas.create_text(20+x,20+y,text=self.text)
>         return self.text
> which should put the label text on the canvas. With a create_text in
> __init__ there is no problem. So somehow I think I am struggling with
> scopes. Is that right?

If I am not mistaken, even callbacks can take only one argument - the event
object. All other arguments must have default values. In your case, you want
to call a callback with x, y, and canvas, as arguments. This is not
Better store x, y, and canvas as instance attributes, and use them in the
ok() method.

Tomasz Lisowski

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