Py_INCREF / DECREF not needed in simple C functions?

Owen F. Ransen ransen_spam_me_not at
Thu Mar 1 10:03:58 EST 2001

Trundling along here and reading the docs I've come
to the conclusion that if I pass simple values to 
my C extensions to Python I do not need to worry
about Py_INCREF and Py_DECREF.

Am I right? For example if I only pass, say, 3
double values to a C extension function, the values
of which I extract using PyArgs_ParseTuple, then
I do not need to worry about reference counts?

Concrete example:

static PyObject* Py_ReallyWildFunc (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
    double x,y,z ;
    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "ddd",&x,&y,&z)) {
        return (NULL) ;
    } some really wild stuff with x,y,z...

    return (Py_None) ;

(I know that in the future I may do more complex things,
 but at the moment I'm concentraing on this simple stuff)
Owen F. Ransen
Home of Gliftic & Repligator Image Generators

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