Q: Operator precedence

Raymond Hettinger othello at javanet.com
Mon Mar 5 11:20:01 EST 2001

Pearu Peterson wrote:

> Section 5.12 in Python reference manual summarizes operator precedence.
> I would like to have the following function:
> def getprec(s):
>      return <the precedence number of a keyword/operator `s'>

Here is an approach to rank ordering of precedence at run-itme:

def higherOrEqual( op1, op2 ):
    return eval('51 %s 83 %s 97 == ( 51 %s 83 ) %s 97' % (op1,op2,op1,op2))

order = ['Lower', 'HigherOrEqual']

binops = ['+', '-', '&', '^', '/']

for x in binops:
    for y in binops:
        print x, order[higherOrEqual(x,y)], y


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