main in mac?

David Porter jcm at
Tue Mar 13 10:25:08 EST 2001

* Park997 <park997 at aol.comnotospam>:

> I am using Python 2.0 on a PPC mac. I have a module
> that is set up as follows:
> from Numeric import *
> class Epower:
> 	3 class functions defined
> if __name__ == '__main__':
> 	test class and print output
> This code does nothing if the run all button is pressed
> or if it is imported into interactive python.

I don't know what the run all button is (not on mac), but the whole reason
for this idiom is so it wont 'do anything' when imported. If a file named is imported, then it's __name__ is x. If it is being run as a program,
then it's __name__ is __main__. 


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