"!=" is bad form. Re: sorry....never mind

Barry A. Warsaw barry at digicool.com
Mon Mar 12 10:12:22 EST 2001

>>>>> "TP" == Tim Peters <tim.one at home.com> writes:

    TP> If you look at the CVS history of Grammar/Grammar, you'll
    TP> discover that In The Beginning, Python allowed only the <>
    TP> spelling.  != wasn't added until revision 1.5 (of Grammar, not
    TP> Python).  So this is a curious case where Guido disowned his
    TP> first impression (from only <>, to <> is obsolescent); but
    TP> since this is the same process by which your print>>file got
    TP> into the language, you had better not protest too loudly
    TP> <wink>.

Ah, so I wonder if Guido would like my "print <>" patch.  This one
prints to a second file object everything it reads in from a first
file object, e.g.:

    print <> sys.stdin, sys.stdout

I can't change that to "print !=" because I've got a second patch that
gives this the semantics such that it prints an expression to a file
object, but only if they are really equal.  Here "print !=" is the
same as "print =!" but the former is obsolescently deprecated.

my-calendar-must-be-running-ahead-about-20-days-ly y'rs,

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